Robert Notes

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Posts - Page 2 of 4

Grokking Algorithm

  • ~1 min read

Since reading Grokking Algorithm, I find myself not fully perceive the idea of algorithm. Could it because of not familiar with programming language back when learning algorithm? Remember at that time the struggle of coding involing lots of configuration to make env works, not to mention sparing extra energy to figure out so-called algorithm!

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  • ~1 min read

##接到前主管的電話 前陣子忽然接到前主管的電話,才知道是打來關心我的狀況,看我融入得如何!感謝他!大家各自努力,他這樣的做法也感念在心,要把這個做法學起來!

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2020 庚子鼠年

  • ~1 min read


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Kymco Noodoe App

  • 2 min read

During my time working at Noodoe Inc. from 2016 to 2020, I was responsible for implementing app that could work with KYMCO dashboard through Bluetooth connection. In this post I’ll briefly go through how I’ve done it and what challenges I’ve faced.

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  • ~1 min read

關於最終一季的冰與火之歌裡,Night King 帶領源源不絕的 White Walkers 大舉入侵南境,眼看失手崩潰之際,老大他一個回頭竟然就領便當去了!比起龍女王幾集後也跟著領便當,我對此反而比較無法釋懷,畢竟這梗可是整整鋪了八季共73集。

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RxJava 及 Kotlin Coroutine 的混用

  • ~1 min read

由於目前的專案從 RxJava 1.x 開始使用,經過三個版本的開發後,目前已經用到了 RxJava 2.x,因此,大部分底層共用的 Manager/Handler 類的實作都是以 RxJava 的達成。直到….我們開始嘗試使用 Coroutine!

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